Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Leaving on a jet plane...

Today, we leave on our adventure to Koh Samui in Thailand.  We're nervous and excited. Joel's never been overseas before and well...we're travelling with a 15 month old. It feels like we've been planning forever so I didn't think this day would actually come. Now that it has, it feels pretty surreal.

I've bought Nora these cute Fizz Green Native's:

I figured we'd be spending most of our time around water and it is possible that it may rain most days, so these little waterproof beauties should pull through!

Since we have a 7 hour and then another 2 hour flight to get to Koh Samui, I did some trolling through the blogs to find some tips on travelling with an infant.  These were some amazing tips from the lovely A CUP OF JO blog.  Check it out, it will definitely provide some great guidance on your next trip with the bubs.

Do you have any more tips on travelling with children?

P.S. I'll hopefully be having an internet free holiday so will not get to any posts until we return.  I look forward to sharing some holiday snaps with you.  Thanks so much for visiting...


  1. have a wonderful time!! (ps, super love Nora's cute shoes, let me know how they go!)

  2. I can't wait to hear all about your trip. I look forward to you coming back with tips on travelling with kids it's possible hubby will be spending 1/3 of the year OS so hopefully we will be doing travelling too!


I love hearing your comments and advice, thanks for stopping by... x

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