Monday, May 6, 2013

grateful 17/52*

Ashamedly, I show you this picture in the hope that I am not the only person that sits amongst this kind of filth while hurriedly finishing an essay.

Also, to be grateful that today, my assignment is complete and I would gladly invite you into my home (which no longer looks like a toddler has been roaming, discarding clothes as necessary, taking itself for walks in the pram all with limited parental supervision - ahem).

And yes, that is a nappy on the floor.
In that moment, I was that person...

*way behind in grateful posts so I'm skipping week's here and there...of course, I remain constantly grateful for one thing or another during those missing weeks!


  1. baha, I feel like I'm that person all the time!

  2. That looks like my place most days, (including the nappy). Actually, you need to add a good sprinkling of toast crumbs to make it my house.


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